Monday, January 28, 2013

How Dani Ditched Time-Based Pricing Forevah! ? Marketing ...

no more time based pricing

?What!?!? My head exploded like a piece of popcorn.

Dani, an experienced trainer in the world of corporate people issues, had just shown me the proposal she wrote for a potential new project.

The client was huge, and her impact was going to be as well. There was just one problem:

The price.

It was laughably low.

Dani and I had worked in the past on defining her business identity, communicating it and attracting clients. She had a lot going for her, but her biz had been stuck in 5 figures.

And just now I had seen the reason.

Like Alex, the coach I wrote about last time, Dani was trapped in one of the ?traditions? of her profession: the daily rate.

She figured the CEO she was proposing her services to would expect a daily rate. What else could she offer?All her peers priced their services this way. Back at corporate she?d hired consultants and trainers, and they all charged daily rates, too.

When you see what she ended up charging, your head may explode too.

I helped?Dani increase her bid on the proposal (a LOT). And I also helped her to ensure it got accepted.

Before I blew up Dani?s proposal ? and entire business model ? I warned her about three things:

1. This will only work for someone who gets stellar results when working with clients.

Yes, Dani nodded. She was confident about that.

?Wait, wait,? I cautioned again:

2. You have to be firm with boundaries to work in this way.

Again, yes. Dani brought decades of people management skills to her work. She knew she could do this.

I was pleased. But the last hurdle was a big one.

Working and pricing the way Other Coaches or All Consultants did it was easy. There was little friction when you presented the same old ?Chinese Menu? of trainings with the same old rate card.

Yes, doing it a new way had upside:

The client was going to take more responsibility, get better results and ?own the project.? Dani was going to work very differently, earn a lot more and enter a new level of elite consultants who call their own shots.

But the downside is your client may die of sticker shock and never recover. If that happens ?

3. Your proposal may get rejected.

We sat with this one awhile. Dani was at a Turning Point. She could continue to work as she had been, only harder, to push her business into 6 figures. Or, she could try something new with this one and change her business forever.

She decided to go for it.

A few weeks later Dani and I celebrated wildly.

Dani?s proposal for 10 TIMES the original investment had been accepted by her client.

Say Goodbye to Time Based Pricing

Sure, the work had just begun. But being fairly compensated, Dani was more motivated than ever to get spectacular results ? as well as testimonials and referrals.

How did we do it? Exactly how did Dani 10X the investment on this proposal?

I?ll give you some hints: it was not simply about increasing the price or providing testimonials of stellar results. There was actually something quite simple we changed for Dani, just as we had for Alex.

In my third and final case study, I?ll share with you what we did and how you too can work less, charge more and get better results than ever.

I mean evah!

Watch for it ?

Clock photo credit: col_adamson via photopin cc


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